Get The Most Cash Possible When Selling Back Your Used Textbooks!

Enter an ISBN to see how much each store will pay you for your book!

Start Selling Back Your Textbooks Here:

You can find the ISBN near the barcode on the back of any textbook.

How Sell Textbooks For Cash Works

College bookstores make a killing by buying your old textbooks back for the lowest possible price. With the internet now you can make sure you get the most money when selling back your old textbooks!

Our search engine compares prices at all the online stores that buy textbooks to make sure you get the most possible cash for your textbooks when selling them. All you need to do is enter the ISBN of the textbook you wish to sell and we'll automatically go out and tell you how much each store is willing to pay for it.

In only a few seconds you can be sure you're getting the most money back for your textbook. You can actually get alot more money back with only a few minutes of searching! Please help spread the word and tell your friends about us, if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us!

Recent Comparisons

Buy back prices vary a ton between online stores, which is why it's so important compare prices before selling back. Check out the most recent searches done and see how much extra cash they got by selling back to the highest paying store!

Textbook Tips & Tricks Section

  • Flipping Books From Goodwill
    By: Jake Owens

    Have you heard about these sites on line that are offering money for used books and textbooks? I ran across this one the other day – sell... (read more)

  • Textbook Condition Guide
    By: Jake Owens

    If you have ever bought a textbook online, then you probably noted the small description that was given of the shape it was in. This same grading... (read more)

  • 10 Most Expensive Textbooks
    By: Jake Owens

    If you’re not savvy with your college textbook shopping, you can end up spending upwards of a thousand bucks a... (read more)

Textbook Buy Back Hall Of Fame

Check out the list of the biggest buy back prices we have ever had! These books bring big dollars!

  1. Bees: $999999999.99
  2. Red: $999999999.99
  3. Arms: The Culture and Credo of the Gun: $999999999.99
  4. Drone: $999999999.99
  5. Viva! Primer Curso De Lengua Espan - Text Only: $999999999.99
  6. Suena : Espanol Sin Barreras With SuperSite: $999999999.99
  7. Viva! : Primer Curso de Lengua Espanola -Text Only: $999999999.99
  8. Video: Digital Communication and Production: $999999999.99
  9. 1877: America's Year of Living Violently: $999999999.99
  10. Beautiful LEGO 3: Wild!: $999999999.99

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    The more the merrier! Heck if you all make some cash on your books you can have a little party with all the money you've made. Please help us grow by telling your friends!

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    With our white label service you can run your own site that compares textbook prices. Whether you want to just add it into your site or build a whole new one let us know.